How do I access other subscription benefits?

Q: How do I get free shipping through Dispensary Green?

A: Upon signing up for the subscription program with the same email address as your Dispensary Green account, free shipping will automatically be applied to your Dispensary Green account for hassle-free ordering. Remember, free shipping is only available if you use Dispensary Green pharmacy, and you must be a subscription member before your prescription is submitted to benefit from free shipping.


Q: How do I redeem the 10% discount at the Lyphe shop?

A: Please use code MEMBER10 at checkout to receive your exclusive 10% discount. This code is only registered to subscription members email addresses, so non-members won’t be able to use it.


Q: Will more benefits be added to the subscription program?

A: Absolutely! We’re constantly looking to enhance the value of our subscription program. Keep an eye out for upcoming benefits such as loyalty points, and join now to enjoy these future additions.